Picturing sustainability and resilience
Welcome to Ecosystems Photography. Through their images, the photographers featured here on the Ecosystems Photography website help us to imagine a better future for Aotearoa - New Zealand. Their lenses reflect opportunities to nurture our ecosystems, each other, and ourselves.
All of the featured photographs in the Gallery include commentaries about sustainability. So how about you take a little bit of time out of your busy life, sit down, relax, browse through the photographs and read some of the commentaries. There is so much fascinating information included in them that we’re sure you’ll enjoy. And who knows, you might find something out that you didn’t know before.
Equally importantly though, our community needs to talk, so please feel free to share your thoughts, ideas and responses by visiting our Conversations page.
And last but by no means least, we need to act. All the Sales we make will trigger a donation to people working for solutions and opportunities illustrated in the photographs you buy. You can nominate where you would like the donation to go or simply go with whichever people, group or organisation the photographer has nominated.
Our Guiding Principles
Inclusivity - everyone has a right to be heard and have their images seen
Diversity - the more options we consider, the better our choices
Systems understanding - trouble starts when we try to divide environment from economy and society rather than seeing a whole interdependent system
Honesty - our lenses should reflect the warts and beauty to face what is going wrong, and celebrate what we are achieving
Science and art in partnership - each gives perspective on the other.
Heads engaged - rational choices based on reliable and complete information
Hearts engaged - to take us in the directions found in our values, ethics and emotions
Mō tātou, ā, mō kā uri, ā muri ake nei – for us and our children after us.